Monday, February 28, 2011

Yeah I really don't update much..

One of my goals for this year was to keep better track of things! I really want to write more of our daily happenings down because I'm tired and forget things by the end of the day! I went to write in Max's baby book and realized I hadn't updated the holidays... whoops!!

So, Max's birthday was a great success!! We had a Mickey Mouse theme and celebrated here at the house with family and friends!! Max LOVED his cake! Love actually might be an understatement. He devoured it! It was pretty adorable watching him chow down and then slowly slip into a sugar coma while we opened his presents! All of the kids seemed to have a good time, and as always it was a great chance to see how big all of my friend's children are getting! It's really neat to celebrate their milestones all together! Each birthday is a pause and a chance to remember how much they've grown and changed in just one year!

The cold weather has finally broken a little. Last night we had thunderstorms and 60 degree weather in February!!! I guess March is coming in like a Lion... hopefully it's a WARM lion.

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